Two Strategies For Getting Your Senior Loved One To Agree To In-Home Care

17 November 2017
 Categories: , Blog


It can be difficult for people to admit they need help. This is particularly true of senior family members who are proudly independent but may need assistance in a few areas of their lives. If you want to hire an in-home caregiver but your loved one seems resistant to the idea, here are two strategies that may help you win the person over.

Get the Doctor to Suggest It

Your loved one's primary care physician can be a powerful ally in getting your senior family member to consider hiring an in-home caregiver. It's easy for older people to dismiss the suggestions of friends and family members, especially those from younger generations, as well-meaning gibberish. Because doctors are perceived as authority figures, however, your loved one may give his or her opinion more weight.

This is particularly true if your loved one has recently suffered medical issues that may require him or her to obtain senior home care. For instance, if your loved one suffered a fall, the doctor may use that as a teachable moment and recommend having a caregiver around who can help prevent falls and provide immediate assistance if one occurs.

Talk to your loved one's doctor privately about the issue. If he or she feels in-home care is a good idea, the healthcare provider will typically broach the issue during the appointment.

Discuss Pain Points

Another way you can get your loved one to warm up to the idea is to sit down and talk about his or her pain points. There are two sides to this tactic. First, you want to understand why your loved one is refusing care. This may require quite a bit of persistent questioning and patience, but understanding why he or she doesn't want help can make it easier for you to form a convincing argument.

For example, if your loved one is concerned the in-home care agent may steal his or her belongings, you can bring up the fact that most caregivers undergo background checks. Additionally, these professionals are typically bonded. So if anything does come up missing, your loved one can file a claim and—at least—get money for the missing item.

The second part of this tactic is to discuss the things your loved one can no longer do because of age, health, or mobility issues. You can thin show how an in-home caregiver can make it easier to return to the activities they love. If your loved one like to take walks outside, for example, you can discuss how an in-home caregiver can accompany the person on those trips and ensure he or she remains safe while outside.

For more tips on discussing in-home care with your loved one or for more information about available services, contact a local senior care company.